Friday 8 August 2008

The Cambrian News and other things

Nothing happened in Harlech this week, according to the Cambrian News. Our local scribbler found that there was nothing worth reporting. Nothing about this being the height of the tourist season, nothing about a whole orchestra descending on the local theater, nothing about the state of the St Davids Hotel and woe of woes the WI did not even meet. Pulitzers ahoy.

Pub Watch

The Queens

The man who was arrested for not leaving the Queens at closing time has been let off by our local super-magistrate Captain Martyr. The plea of being unavoidably and unintentionally stuck to the carpet was found to be not his fault. The Queens is still for sale.

The Branwen

The local uber-pub, formally known as The Rum Hole, is still managing to supply a heady mix of 80's bistro and wine bar for the visiting golfers. Local rockers Ratz Alley will play this Saturday, probably too loudly. The Branwen is still for Sale.
The Lion
Suspected traces of cocaine on the bar top were identified as Horlicks powder so no action was taken. Imaginary parking tickets, made from recycled saw dust were not awarded to anybody from Birmingham. The lease for the Lion is still available.
The Castle
Captain Martyr, as representative of the community council, Gwynedd County Council and the Snowdonia National Park thwarted a planning application by hotel owner Mr. Davies. The sale of the Castle Hotel has been delayed.
Coming soon.... a guided tour of businesses and their owners on the one of the most congested high streets in North Wales.

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Harlech Diary No. 1

Charlotte Church once sang 'Men of Harlech' this has nothing to do with Charlotte Church. It does have a bit to do with Harlech, a bit about men and a bit about women.
Harlech is a funny old town, lots of History, big castle(, sandy beach, fairly rural, fairly welsh. It's a town on hill, an uptown and a downtown and a fairly steep road between. It could not really be called isolated, but as I guess with lots of small communities everyone seems to know every ones business. A quite eclectic mix of alcoholics, layabouts and reactionaries seems to have retired to the area but I do not intend to discuss the nefarious activities of the local W.I.
It is commonly said that if you put some of the actual happenings of Harlech and its environs into a soap opera it would not be a believable story line.
Perhaps it is only of interest to those it involves or people that know the people, I will see.
I intend to cover many areas and as this is my first attempt at blog please fogive ignorance/arrogance in advance. Some subjects may including :-
  • Local Planning; is their curruption in the council?
  • The Bar tender and the thief
  • Death and coincidence
  • Coleg Harlech Sweep Stake (how much longer will it exist)
  • The St. Davids Hotel Development
  • Parking